
Truth Initiative is America's largest nonprofit public health organization committed to making tobacco use and nicotine addiction a thing of the past. They provide young people the facts about smoking, vaping, nicotine & the tobacco industry, engage individuals and groups to make changes in their own communities.

Here's the truth: Quitting nicotine isn't easy, but it can be done with the right support. We know because we’ve helped hundreds of thousands of people stop using tobacco through proven-effective treatments and innovative and interactive tools. So if you or a loved one is ready to quit, there’s no better time than now.

Find out more information about the Truth Initiative on their website at Truth Initiative

The Center
for Black Health
& Equity

At The Center for Black Health & Equity, we understand that the first step to mobilizing health organizations and communities is to become aware of the root causes of health disparities among African Americans. This means examining and abolishing the stigma associated with HIV/AIDS, fighting the tobacco industry's predatory marketing tactics, and reversing the impact that institutional racism has had on African American health

The Center for Black Health & Equity focuses on resources of capacity building | we know that as a team we can achieve and build a community that we all have been fighting for.

Find out more information about The Center for Black Health & Equity on their website at The Center for Black Health & Equity